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Blessing in times of famine

This is the most difficult thing to believe especially in the time of famine but that’s the promise of Lord that we as a children of God have.   How it is possible???? If the whole world is in famine or in financial crisis how we can believe that this famine can never touch us. Let’s see what bible says and also see what Lord had promised us.   The Lord promised to Abraham: Now out of nowhere Abraham heard a voice of the Lord which said “Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you.” Abraham obeyed the voice and did what was instructed and later he was tested in many ways not because he was doubted or to make him weak but to make him strong and stable in Faith. The more he was tested the more he became strong. So that is the reason Abraham is called the “Father of Faith”. In our spiritual life we have to be tested to be promoted to next level. That is why David mentioned in Psalms 7:9 that “ For the righteous ...

Why Lockdown? And what’s next after lockdown?

  Will I be Jobless??? How will I earn and who will look after my family? Will economy rate come down? What about the stock market? How can I handle this crisis?     These questions are often asked by the people around us?                                                          Off-course the world is surrounded by these questions. When we switch on the news channel it is full of lockdown news and little by little the people are getting used to it. But let’s talk about today’s topic what’s next after lockdown as a Christian Believer?   I know some may have lost their respective Jobs and many have been told to put their resignation because of the costing cutting. I don’t...

Facing the Giant

In our life we may have knowingly or unknowingly faced this Giant.  When things are not working for us and the enemy with his lies want to make us believe that our Lord doesn’t care for us? Why the Lord is silent The Lord has forgotten you etc. etc……. Let me start with this, in our spiritual life why we should face the Giant or when we face this Giant. How this Giant looks like and question goes on and on. In this blog I wanted to focus on three major questions which comes in our mind Where this Giant Comes from? What does this Giant do? How this Giant is defeated? Where this Giant Comes from?   The devil challenged God to test the faith of Job; God confidently accepted the challenge because he had trusted Job.  Nowadays I believe the same thing is happening with us, our enemy keeps on challenging God to test our Faith and our Lord allows it not because he doubts us but because he trust us that through the finish work of our Lord Jesus Christ we can overcome any challenge...