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Trusting God in the midst of Storm

Imagine, we are in a very tough situation, where we find ourselves all alone every door is closed and there is no hope left except failure. This is the situation where everyone has been experienced once in a lifetime. Even I have experienced and still experiencing in my life.


Previously, I used to think why me??

My friends & surrounding people they are living a very good life, they are in a good condition, then why I have such lack, depression and trouble in my life. There was such a time, where I was in the hunt for the Job and was miserably failing wherever I used to apply Job. I was very much in a hopeless situation and I can never imagine what my future was and I could never imagine what’s next. At that time I use to lock myself in a room all alone and cried day and night and that time I asked God 

Why I should face this situation?

What you want me to do right now?

Why this pain in my life?

Then one fine day the Lord answered me and said there are around some million Job seeker all over the globe, if I don’t allow this pain, then how could you will pray for them, I never know what my future but the creator exactly knew where he would place me in his perfect time, whether we like it or not and later I got an opportunity as a Tell-caller in a well-known organization in that I used to call thousands of candidates for Job opening etc. Sometimes I had an opportunity to listen their pain and in my heart I prayed with a deep pain and also if possible I use to share my testimony by which they were encouraged and within a year I became one of the youngest TL in the whole organization and the blessing kept on continuing. The reason I am sharing one of my testimony is that behind every pain there is Hope and the name of that Hope is JESUS.

If you are in a hard season that means the Lord is preparing you for something big. As scripture says in 1 Corinthians 2:9. I know it’s very hard to believe, but it is fact that nobody can change. I myself transformed after that season it’s not about the season it’s about what you learned from that season. So my dear brothers and sisters let us not give any room to our enemy, but just trust and rest in the Lord (Mathew 11:28-30) in all times.


Lastly I wanted to end up with final Bible Verse. As the Holy Spirit prompted me with a verse

Trusting God in the midst of Storm

I just wanted to give a reference which I believe that many are acquainted with it Mathew 14:22-33

 This is an incident where Jesus was praying in the Mountain and the disciples left Jesus all alone, they were traveling on the boat and when they were in the middle of their Journey suddenly they were tossed by the waves because the wind was contrary. In the midst of the waves Jesus was walking over the water. This is supernatural Jesus was not swimming in the water he was walking over the water that mean whenever we are facing trials and trouble we should walk over the water i.e. through Lord Jesus we already have the authority over everything we just need to believe what is right and declare                 

(Because of this reason St. Paul writes in Philippians 4:6 don’t be too anxious but pray for everything)


When the disciples saw Jesus they were afraid they thought that there is a Ghost but later they identified that it was Christ, here we see a little twist when other disciples saw they stood still, but when Peter saw, he wanted to test , if he is really Jesus or not. So he requested, Jesus,  if you are real then allow me to walk over the Sea and come to you, the thing which the 11 disciples didn’t do Peter did, the first thing he did, was to ask Lord I want to walk on the water. As you might expect Lord allowed him to walk, I wanted tell you something which the Holy Spirit had revealed me that while he was walking on the water his focus was on Christ but suddenly when he saw the storm he was afraid and diverted his focus, when he diverted his focus from Christ to storm he began to sink and started shouting for help. Here I just want you all to know that Jesus was not behind the storm Jesus was right in the midst of the storm the only thing that made Peter afraid was distraction. Today my dear brothers and Sisters I want to convey that in our individual life, we may have problems, difficulty etc., no matter, what may come, we should never lose our focus from Christ if we lose, the enemy will make us fall, what next? Jesus never left Peter alone; he stretched out his hand to help him. Our Christ will never leave us nor forsake us Hebrew 13:5. My dear brothers and sisters even though as a human we fall in some trap of enemies his hand is never too short that it couldn’t reach us. The only one thing we have to do is just trust and rest in him he is going to handle.


Exod.14.14 - The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace and remain at rest. [AMP]

This is what I learnt and the same I am sharing with you all. Just remember this is just a season that has to go and in this season let us allow Lord to fight our Battle Amen



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